What is it?

The inclusive happening you won't want to miss! Are you between 12-21 years old and already the GOAT in a field you're passionate about? Tell the world about it! You will have the chance to win a FREQUENCE bursary and more.

Plusieurs visage de personne

A celebration of the talents of young black Quebecers - —although, if you don't identify as Black, you’re still welcome to come and join in the fun! FREQUENCE is all about inclusivity.Let's show off  how amazing black youth is in these 10 categories.

The categories

Waves of goodwill

The school perseverance wave

Athletic waves

Regional waves

Green waves

The waves of public personality

Artistic waves

Media waves

Innovative waves

Entrepreneurship waves

Make a nomination

You thirst for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and you know how to take care of yourself so you can show up for your community. This category is for those of you who know that one person can make a difference in people's lives.

You're motivated and resilient. Your peers and teachers help motivate you toward academic success. This category is for those of you who don't give up in school despite the difficulties.

You love sports! Your teachers help you shine in academics and athletics, and your coaches are part of this team. This category is for athletes who stand out, both for your performance and your ability to balance sport and studies brilliantly.

You shine outside the big city. Your talent is noticed in your region and beyond. Your passion knows no boundaries and you could take any path to success. This category is for those of you who stand out in our vast province.

You do everything you can to save the planet. Your ideas and actions have a positive impact on the environment. This category is for those of you with eco-responsibility in your bones.

Tell us who's creating a buzz right now. Who has the most positive vibes in your community? Is it you, or is it a friend of a friend of a friend who knows that rising star?

Culture is a cult for you. Your artistic talents are mesmerizing or hilarious. On canvas, on stage, in front of or behind the camera, you shine. This category is for you who love art in all its forms.

You're the king of news or the queen of scoop. Your platform is used to inform and share knowledge. Do you have an audience who comes back for more? This category is for those who shine in the media.

Do you have ideas that meet people's needs, create value and transform society? This category is for those who want to innovate to improve people's daily lives.

You always wanted a lemonade stand. Now you're the CEO of your ideas and they're contributing to the economy. This category is for those of you with an entrepreneurial streak and a business plan.

June 14, 2025

au MEM - Centre des mémoires montréalaises

We want a trophy


FREQUENCE is a non-profit organization thatshowcases the skills and perseverance ofyoung Quebecers from Black communities. Weprovide Black youth with a forum to expressthemselves and share their experiences andperspectives. Together, we’re creating a brighter,more inclusive future and society.

As part of its program, which includes the annual FREQUENCE event, the focus on young people aged 12 to 21 is to change the way Quebec's Black youth are viewed, and to support their efforts as agents of change through mentoring, internships and assistance with personal development and career advancement.

Make a donation





These are important values to us.

Personne qui est accoudé et qui sourit Personne contre un arbre et qui semble apaisé Personne qui tient un ghetto blasterPersonne rigolantsfadfdsfPersonne avec un objet serpentant dans les cheveux

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